
  • 代表はノースウエスト航空(現デルタ航空)・ルフトハンザ航空の元キャビンアテンダント
  • 英語・ドイツ語・フランス語・中国語・韓国語をネイティブスピーカーから学べる

Summer Test Season


This year, summer is already upon us and many places around the world are experiencing above-average heat. This is yet another test on top of all the other recruitment tests going on this summer, with many scheduled for this August and September. So, if you’re currently somewhere that’s in the middle of summer you need to take extra precautions. Make sure you’re properly hydrated – water is always your best friend! Lots of sunshine is always nice but getting a suntan and getting a sunburn are not so different. Whether you are travelling for work, or taking a holiday, or preparing for tests of any kind, keep this weather in mind and stay somewhere cool to study. Overheating is not good at all for your preparations. And of course, if you can come to our school we can give you all the support you need –and a nice air-conditioned room!