
  • 代表はノースウエスト航空(現デルタ航空)・ルフトハンザ航空の元キャビンアテンダント
  • 英語・ドイツ語・フランス語・中国語・韓国語をネイティブスピーカーから学べる

Train Smart Cards (SUICA & PASMOetc)


These days very few Japanese people use tickets to catch the train but instead use cards with smart chips. In the Tokyo area these cards are called Suica (JR) and PASMO (other lines) and not only can they be used interchangeably here in Tokyo, these days these cards can be used extensively throughout Japan. These cards are really convenient for tourists from overseas because you don’t have to read the complicated train maps to find out the fare to your destination anymore. Just swipe your card when you get on and then swipe again when you get off and the ticket gate machine tells you how much you used and how much is left. It is also very easy to top up your balance when you need it. It costs 500 yen deposit which you get back if you return it or you can keep it as a souvenir, because you can also get your name typed onto the card!