
  • 代表はノースウエスト航空(現デルタ航空)・ルフトハンザ航空の元キャビンアテンダント
  • 英語・ドイツ語・フランス語・中国語・韓国語をネイティブスピーカーから学べる

Happy New Year!


Greetings to everyone from UC English! Hopefully everyone out there had a relaxing and enjoyable new year. What did you spend your time doing?
It is a good chance to catch up with friends and family, and many people find it difficult to leave their kotatsu. Those who do are rewarded with the chance to visit the mountains and go skiing or snowboarding, or perhaps take a trip to somewhere warmer.
Whatever you ended up doing, with some luck it provided the energy to get you through the year. Let’s all study hard, work hard and make our dreams come true in 2017!